Additional thoughts on the Hospital of the Future, AI, and Comatose

Recently, the Healthware editorial team covered my press release on how I wrote about the Hospital of the Future in Comatose, with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Holograms, and Smart Devices. They also provided me with the zoomed-in image of my cover art which heads this blog entry. In my novel, I spent…

HealthTech and Comatose

HealthTech prominently featured in Comatose, a globe-trotting fiction novel crafted on lucid dreams from Tony Estrella and published by Cranthorpe Millner Innovations in artificial intelligence, smart devices, holograms, and robotics are on display throughout this title Singapore and London, 19 March 2019 Tony Estrella – a Singapore-based healthcare expert, immersive world traveller, and lucid dreamer –…