Why Peak Viral Load makes temperature screening alone insufficient for COVID-19

The full article is posted on Medium here: —————————- Why Peak Viral Load makes temperature screening alone insufficient for COVID-19 And how South Korea and Taiwan’s approach to diagnosis and tracking is leading to positive results By now, the sight of people wearing surgical masks, flinching at the sights and sounds of someone coughing or sneezing,…

Additional thoughts on the Hospital of the Future, AI, and Comatose

Recently, the Healthware editorial team covered my press release on how I wrote about the Hospital of the Future in Comatose, with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Holograms, and Smart Devices. They also provided me with the zoomed-in image of my cover art which heads this blog entry. https://www.healthwaregroup.com/blog/the-hospital-of-the-future-told-in-comatose-a-book-by-tony-estrella-517 In my novel, I spent…